Thursday 8 December 2011

Day 6: Serengeti National Park

Well, another early morning for my friends and I...We're going to need a vacation from this vacation! Oh well, after out safari yesterday we are even more excited to see what kinds of animals await us today. We decided to check out the Serengeti National Park. We met up with our guide and jumped in our tour jeep.

Our tour guide hit the gas and we were off! It was a rough journey the whole way. The terrain was bumpy and uneven but it made it fun.We saw some more elephants and buffalo but we were on the hunt for something different. After driving around for about 15 minutes, we spotted some giraffes.

Right after, we continued our adventure for exotic animals. We came across some hyenas and a jackle.

We were getting ready to leave the park and my friends and I were getting disapointed because we still hadn`t seen a cheetah. When we came close to the exit one ran across the terain. Luckily, I had my camera out and got a quick shot of it.

Tanzania has really exhausted us. Tomorrow, we are moving on to South Africa! Finally, some relaxation...yeah right.

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